Sunday 31 March 2019

24. April Fool's Day

One of the dying traditions of Merrie Old England is the art of the practical joke, April 1st appears unfailingly every year eager to fill the air with shouts of 'April Fool' and inevitably slinks unrecognised and unmourned into the dawn of April 2nd, forgotten and unfulfilled.

When I was a lad, April Fools day was vibrant with expectancy, everybody on their guard against being caught napping. At the same time ready and willing to get somebody to do something which would label him 'April Fool'.

Nobody was exempt and nothing was sacred and only one rule was rigidly kept. You had to make your catch by midday. Any ploy after that time reversed the procedure and the joker was the fool.

The necessary ingredients for the manufacture of a well built practical joke are a convincing manner to put over an outrageous suggestion to make it seem logical, and a victim who is of an impressionable nature, preferably under some sort of pressure so he is apt to act without thinking.

Schoolboys were notably uninspired in their inventiveness as indeed were most artisans.

At school the Headmaster's door continually thundered with knocks from lads sent there by other gleeful herberts.

"Hi Jonesy, the Head wants to see you right away"

And usually ended with Sir dishing out lines to every lad who fell for it. "I must not believe everything I'm told without checking it's true" one hundred times after school hours.

At work the new apprentice doing his stint as tea-boy, was inevitably sent to the bakers at tea-break for a box of pregnant tarts, or half a pound of maternity cake. Or to the stores for a left handed screwdriver or a rubber hammer.

One thing was sure, year after year young lads fell for all the time-honoured gags, however corny they may had been, but sadly the joy of fun in folk seems to have lapsed.

So I urge for a revival of the practical joke, a rebirth of April Foolery. A renaissance of the British love of Kidology. We're all getting too serious and too anxious to go for our guns.

The well constructed practical joke need not be built on April 1. Any time will do but full bonus marks will be given if successfully erected on that day.

Harrow P.O. was at one time constantly enlivened by the inventiveness of the practical joker, which had the two-way effect of cheering the work force when they heard of it and reviving their sagging morale if recalled during times of stress, such as lack of docket periods or inclement weather days.

May  I recall for you the urgent phone call from a driver requesting that the A.H.P. ops be told that Wealdstone Bridge had collapsed and traffic delays were likely.

Wealdstone Bridge. Credit:

I merely report facts by saying that an official notice was stuck on the P.H.G. counter instructing all drivers to avoid Wealdstone Bridge as it had fallen down. Which they all did until someone cottoned on that it was April 1.

There was the case of the A.I. who, answering the phone one morning, was asked by a gentlemen speaking with a pronounced Indian accent, if he would be kind enough to direct him to Pinner docks.  The conversation went something like this:

A.I. "Pinner docks? You mean Pinner station?"

Caller "No, no, no, I am wanting Pinner docks where the boats come in"

A.I. "This is Harrow here. Perhaps you want Harrogate?"

Caller "No, no, I am wanting Pinner in Harrow"

A.I. "There are no docks in Harrow. Do you mean Harwich?"

Caller "I am wanting Pinner docks in Harrow. I am meeting my family from India who are coming on the boat but I am not knowing the way so please to tell me where is situated Pinner docks, please"

A.I. "Listen. There are no docks in Pinner. Its miles from the sea and you can't sail a bloody boat up Pinner bloody High Street"

Caller  "There is no need for blaspheming. Please telling me where is Pinner docks and I will go"

The A.I, who was turning a deep shade of purple started to holler - "For Chrissake can't you understand..  " - when uncontrollable, hysterical laughter from the caller's end suddenly brought understanding and he tumbled and slammed  down the phone receiver. What's more, being of a serious nature he failed to see the funny side of it, and remembering who could do an Indian accent, accused him of insolence towards a superior officer and disciplined him accordingly.  Caller put it down to occupational hazard.

Pinner High Street - docks just out of shot.

A  classic example of practical jokery was staged one night when two gents from Region were visiting the office. The only thing that failed to gain top marks award was that it was not April 1st. 

An A.I. on duty was called to the phone and asked to be connected to a responsible officer. Naturally he asked if he could hep and was told that the Region men had a very important appointment after the conclusion of their tour at Harrow and a helicopter would be landing in the yard to pick them up. It was urgent that the yard be cleared of vans and landing lights be arranged to guide the 'copter down. Caller suggested a torch in each hand waved above the head would be ideal. 

The late staff of Harrow P.O. were treated to the sight of an A.I. standing in the middle of an empty yard guiding down an imaginary helicopter by waving two bike lamps in the air.

The two top brass left later, after explanations had been made, highly delighted with their evening. We're all boys at heart. 

The case of the Vulcan bombers was a practical joke which just failed to make the grade. A request from Wealdstone station for a special collection to collect a consignment of Vulcan Bombers which had arrived in recorded packets nearly fooled the Organising Inspector who took the message and was on his way to lay on a driver.

Passing through the Inspectorate he startled them all by stopping short in his tracks, and saying out loud to himself - "Vulcan Bombers? Wait a minute, they're bloody great planes!" and turned smartly about and hurried back to his office. He had suddenly remembered the date. It was a near miss.

Many more have been played at Harrow, far too numerous to mention here, but sadly the art seems to have died the death. A pity as we are all the more happy for a good laugh, with the possible exception of the victim. 

When a young family man I was eager to carry on these noble traditions with my family and used to set all manner of catch for them before I left for work on April 1st morning.

The kids thought it great fun but as they got older, entered in to the spirit of the game with all the carefree abandon of youth, and it got positively dangerous I considered myself lucky if I got through the day with only a flesh wound.

After nearly pitching headlong down the stairs tripping over a string that my boy had tied across the top step and narrowly escaping getting concussion when a pile of heavy books, which my daughters had balanced on top of the bedroom door, smashed on to my head as I opened it, I decided it was time to call a halt to the fun and games.

My wife said at the time that it was not fair telling them that it didn't count after noon as I'd gone to work before they got up, and they didn't have a chance of catching me unless they did it at night. So I'd better take my aspirins and shut up moaning. 

Well maybe occupational hazard does get a bit too hazardous at times, but I still urge a reincarnation of April Foolery.

So you may get a fracture here and there, or your dignity could get offended but someone will get a good laugh out of it and that's what life's all about, ain't it?

I have no clue what the Post Office acronyms used here mean: AI, PHG, AHG ops. Any ideas ?
For more on April Fools Day see:

Sunday 17 March 2019

Odds And Sods - The Pun Appeal 1.

The Pun Appeal
I beg to report that the response to my appeal for some puns to enliven the reading of the Harrow Post
was shattering in it's impact. It hit me with the megaton force of a feather of a hummingbirds wing landing on a blancmange swamp.
Nowt. Nix. Nuffin. Sweet FA. Sod All.
Should have known better. I've tried it all before with quizzes, competitions, offers of prizes of premium bonds and free beer. All with docket left endorsements. No answer. I've known winkles with a keener sense of willingness to participate than you lot, although they've had to be stabbed through the bonce with a pin first.
But I won't give up. I'll be stapped if I will. I'm gonna keep on trying until one of you zombies sends me a letter to the Editor and I'll be able to retire gracefully, my mission in life fulfilled, Folk will point me out in the street and says "Thats Ed, The Ed. Got a letter to the Ed. Sent him straight off his 'ed."

Anyway here's my contribution to the appeal.

The old Manor House was haunted by ghosts. Two clanked around dragging heavy balls and chains and the third floated about in a white sheet, wailing and moaning.
The first two convened a union meeting requesting that the workload be equally divided and all should take a turn at wearing the white sheet.
This was agreed upon and a new rota set up.
He increased use of the white sheet by unaccustomed wearers quickly wore it out and a requisition for a replacement was sent to the Phantom Supplies Division.
The storekeeper in charge, reading the application, muttered
"This always happens. Too many spooks spoil the cloth"

Here's a Fishy Story
A whale was swimming in the ocean when he met a giant squid
"Morning Squid" said he "How's things with you?"
"Not so good" said the squid "Matter of fact, I feel right rough. I'm on my way to see the doctor, but frankly, I don't think I'll make it, I feel that bad"
"Well that's no problem" said the whale "Just hop on my back and I'll give you a lift"
"Great" said the squid, and got on his back, wrapped his long tentacles round the whale and off they went.
They hadn't gone far when they were accosted by an enormous shark.
"Ah, just the job" said the shark "I've been looking all over for you"
"Alright, alright" said the whale "No need for any aggro. I know why you've been looking. Here you are. Here's the sick squid I owe you."

Tales of the Jungle
There was great rejoicing in the jungle. Mr and Mrs Gorilla had been blessed with a baby and a big feast was planned.
Everybody was invited and all turned up with a present for the baby. As they all paraded in front of the parents with their gifts Mr Gorilla was so proud of his baby son that he took him from Mrs Gorilla's arms and walked him round the guests holding him up by his arms.
"Why does he walk all stiff legged" asked Mr Chimp, who was a mite jealous of all the attention being given to the Gorillas.
"Well he's only a week old" said Mr Gorilla who was well aware of Mr Chimp's envy. 
"Don't expect him to be sure of his footing yet, do you?"
"Fair enough" said Chimp, "tell you what though, he ain't ever going to walk any different. Have another shufti at him. He ain't got any knees"
It was true! The baby had no knees. Consternation raged and a great discussion followed, with the decision that Mr Gorilla should take him to the witch doctor and ask him to cast a spell to cure his affliction.
"Arf a jiff" said the Elephant "No good going empty handed. You'll have to pay him a fee. He's only in it for the money and won't cast a spell for nothing. Tell you what, we'll have a whip round and see if we get enough to pay him".
So they went round with the hat but everyone was skint. All they got was a penning off a jackdaw who'd nicked it off a window ledge.
It was a case of do or die so off went Gorilla to the witch doctors hut, but with faint hopes he'd get any joy from him.
He knocked at the door which was opened by the witch doctor, who wasn't at all pleased to see Gorilla standing there and snarled "What the hell do you want? Hurry up I'm in the middle of brewing up a load of spells for delivery today and I'm up to me eyes in work."
"Sus-susorry to trouble you", quavered Gorilla, "could you pup-pup-please let me have two ape-knees for a penny?"

A Hard Days Knight
Sir Lancelot fought a hard battle all day in a raging storm. Suddenly his horse was killed and he staggered through the torrential rain, thunder and lightning to a nearby farmhouse where he asked the farmer to loan him a horse so that he could return to the battle.
"Sorry" said the farmer, "I just don't have a horse to spare. Tell you what, I've got a big St Bernard dog you could use. He's big enough to carry you."
Sir Lancelot looked at the dog, looked up at the dark and stormy sky, and said
"Gadzookz, varlet, you're not going to send a knight out on a dog like that?"

One For The Road
Heard about the two worms in a a graveyard who were making love in dead Ernest?

Punster's Corner 
Have you heard of:
The customer who complained that his coffee tasted like mud? The barista assured him that is was fresh-ground that morning.
The amusement park which displayed a sign reading "children under 12 must be accompanied by money & daddy?"
The bald man who had two wigs which were as alike as toupees?

Study this paragraph and all things in it. What is vitally wrong with it? Actually, nothing in it is wrong, but you must admit that it is most unusual. Don't just zip through it quickly, but study it scrupulously. With luck you should spot what is so particular about it and all words found in it. Can you say what it is? Tax your brains and try again. Don't miss a word or a symbol. It isn't all that difficult.....

When today is yesterday, tomorrow will be as
near to Sunday as today when yesterday
was tomorrow.
What day is it?

The Extra Dollar!
A man had $50 in the bank.

He drew out $20, leaving $30
He drew out $15, leaving $15
He drew out $9,  leaving $6
He drew out $6,  leaving $0

Total           $50   Total   $51

Where did the extra dollar come from in the second column?

A neat bit of graffiti seen on a wall at Harrow Technical College:
and in tiny print underneath - that is, if you don't mind

Not My Day
I loved the story of the bloke who held up a shop-keeper with a toy gun the other day. He was most surprised when the shopman leaped the counter and done him.
Why? He'd forgotten to take the cork out of the nozzle which was still attached with a bit of string. Well, we all make cock ups, and I'm inclined to sympathise.

Stop Press

We have had news, via the grapevine, of another attack on one of our postmen by man's best friend, the perambulating flea-bag, the dog. I fail to understand why attacks on the person of a postman are always treated as a humorous joke by the media whenever reported. They seem to think that we are fair game for these animals and should shrug off being bitten and the consequent nasty wounds as occupational hazard. Fido was only protecting the house, etc.

Anyway our mate, after being told by the owner that she was sure that dogs never bite unless provoked, the usual old guff that lovers of these species of the animal world always come out with as you stand there bleeding, decided to act in a humane way and treat the offender with kindness.

So when on delivery next day, as hound rushed up to repeat the dose as before, he worked him a large bar of chocolate which hound golloped down in a trice. This shows why the human being is on a plane above the creatures of the earth. We have compassion.

And, by the way, we invented ex-lax.

Fairy Tale 
A mad March hare, gambolling in the forest, met a fairy who was so pretty that she filled him with desire.
"I'm going to kiss you, pretty fairy", said he, full of the madness of March
"It is forbidden" said she. "If the Queen finds out she'll turn you in to a goon"
This sobered hare who, mad as he was, had no wish to become a goon. So he leaped away into the forest.
However, thoughts of the pretty fairy overcame fears of the dreaded consequence of such heresy, so he returned to the pretty fair and said "I'm going to kiss you for sure, fairy"
Whereupon there appeared the Fairy Queen in all her majesty and spoke. "It is forbidden, March hare, and should you be so mad I will turn you into a goon"
But the madness of March was now full upon the hare, and seizing the pretty fairy with his paws did kiss her full upon the lips, saying -
"Ah well, thats life. Hare today, goon tomorrow."

Sunday 3 March 2019

A Load Of Old Cobblers

The regular instalments of People Are Funny take a break, as the next couple of posts sweep up a few miscellaneous bits and pieces. 

The first of which whilst attempting to de-bunk a few urban myths, succeeds only in adding to the load of old cobblers it was railing against......

A Load Of Cobblers 

Here's a few old wives tales that, while they are trotted out by the average person as the gospel truth, have been proven to be nothing but myth or superstition.

Rubber footwear draws the feet
The body loses a couple of pints of liquid daily through 'insensible perspiration' but it is not noticed because it evaporates from the entire surface of the skin as it appears. However as rubber shoes or boots are waterproof, they prevent this evaporation and the skin of the feet feel moister than usual whereas leather footwear can breathe and do not hold the moisture.

Carrots help you see in the dark
Carrots contain a substance called carotene, which is converted by the body into vitamin A, which aids the formation of visual purple, a pigment in the retina of the eye, which is essential for good vision in poor light. But it does not enable a person to see in total darkness. Vitamin A is provided by a balanced diet, as is present in milk, butter and green vegetables, and there is no need to eat carrots to guard against night blindness.

Hair and nails grow after death
The only way the growth of human tissue can take place is by cell multiplication, and the only way that can occur is for the cells to receive a plentiful supply of oxygen. When the heart and lungs cease to function at death, the body no longer receives oxygen and cellular activity ceases.

Fright can turn a person's hair white overnight
Hair can begin to suddenly grow white but it is a gradual process. Hair grows from the roots by continual cell multiplication, but what emerges on the surface is actually dead. No external or internal influence can affect the colour of hair which has already grown. As hair grows about 1.5 inches a month it would take many weeks for a head of hair to turn white.

Eyes can be removed and replaced without harm
Stories are frequently being told of eyes being popped out, lain on the cheek, washed and put back without damaging them. As the eye is held in place by six muscles and further anchored by the very delicate optic nerve, to remove one without damaging the patient would be as impossible as unscrewing his head.

Bulls are maddened by red rage
Research has shown that bulls, as most mammals, apart from monkeys and man, are colourblind, matadors usually use red cloaks (probably because they do not show bloodstains), but they also use cloaks of many other colours which maddens the bull to the same extent. It is the movement of the cloak which makes the bull angry.

Your life passes before you at the moment of death
There cannot be any evidence to support this belief as anyone who had experienced this phenomenon 'at the moment of death' must have died a moment later. Who else but that person would know.