a vast difference between being thrifty and
being mean yet the dividing line is as fine as the one between
genius and imbecility. Sometimes it's hard to say what type a
person is. In the eyes of some he's a financial wizard who
knows how to look after his money,
whereas to others he is
as tight as a fishes arse, which is well renowned for being
water tight.
as a bloke who is well endowed when it comes to
I.Q. If he's a mite eccentric in his outlook he's considered
unconventional to some, but to others he's due for a basket-weaving course. It's hard to be sure, depends how things turn out.
One of the lads who was a member of the
Pembroke Boxing and Athletic club, as I was during the thirties, came
under the genius or nutter category. We
all thought he was
barmy. Full stop.
After all, why belong to a boxing club and
never get
a pair of gloves on and have a bash in the ring ? Why go out
on a training run to get fit then half-way round catch a bus
back to the club ? Must have been George Raft. Incidents as
the night when he turned all the tables and chairs upside-down because he was fed up with seeing the same old set-up
and drank his cuppa while balancing on his head to prove that
the law of gravity was a fake as the tea went upwards to his
stomach, all confirmed our opinion that he was as bent as a
four pound note.
But as I said, it all depends how things
turn out.
In his case we were wrong as after the war he became one of
boxing's best known managers of pro. fighters. All the loot
he earned from it stemmed from his association with idiots
like us who only got cups and medals for our bent hooters
and corrugated ears. No names mentioned but I'll tell anyone
who cares to ask.
Scrooge was a novice compared with a chap I worked with
just after the war. He was a Czech who managed
to escape to England before the Nazi invasion and after demob chose to live here with his wife, an English girl he married during the war. His first name was Karl.
get me wrong when I say that Ebenezer S. would have
benefited fron a few lessons from him. Whereas E.S. was rich
and his frugality was self imposed, Karl had nowt but a few
sticks of furniture, a pair of overalls, his demob suit and a bit in the bank. Well more or less.
an ambition to own a restaurant. Whereby sprang
his Spartan way of life in an effort to save money.
must say that saving anything out of the wages
our guv'nor paid was bloody nigh an impossibility.
Eamonn Andrews* had been doing "This is Your Life"
in 1946 and picked on our boss, he'd have read him the Xmas Carol with the exception of Scrooge's change of heart which
our guv never got round to having. He retired to a tax haven
abroad before they'd been invented.
Anyway Karl made the effort with a determination
was amazing in it's adherance to living on a minimum of outlay.
He'd bring to work one fag, one match and
the side of a
matchbox. This he'd smoke after dinner which consisted of a
cheese butty and a long thin bottle of a pale brown liquid
which we assumed to be home-made wine. It was his method of
drinking it which led us to this conclusion as he'd take a
mouthful, swill it round his teeth, gargle in his throat, then
swallow. Only when he left it on the bench one day to go and
have a Jimmy and one of the lads took a quick swig, did we
find out what it was.
Cold tea, without sugar or milk.
I never saw him eat or drink
anything else the whole
time he worked there. He never bought a raffle ticket, had a
beer with the lads, backed a horse, played a game of brag on
paydays or paid for a haircut. His missus cut it. So we, having only the
ambition to exist as best we could classed him as a
mean sod who wouldn't give you a cold if he had the flu.
And tried innumerable ways to make him part
with some
cash but all to no avail until one day we found his Achilles
heel. A nosh up of chicken.
He let on that he loved chicken cooked any
way. Roast,
boiled, fried, grilled, devilled, supreme, curried, diable,
with fruit sauce, pimento, apricot stuffed, in casserole,
you name it and he positively drooled. But finances being as
they were he couldn't afford it.
It so happened that I, at that period of
time, kept
chickens in my garden, and here was an ideal chance to score
over big spender. I told him that I had a bird which was a
poor layer and I'd sell it to him for four bob. Dirt cheap.
This was the truth slightly bent to suit
the occasion
as it was indeed a poor layer having died two days before
from internal egg laying and I had buried it in the garden.
Which made it dirt cheap. Well for four bob it was.
Karl jumped at the offer and I dug it up
that night,
cleaned it up and gave it to him next day. Luckily we'd been
having a dry spell so it wasn't too bad. Just a mite dusty.
The lads killed themselves laughing when
they heard
how Karl's taste buds had overcome his avarice and even more
so when those same taste buds made him refuse to pay me four
bob as he said it had a peculiar taste and it was only worth
two shillings. I was a bit relieved that he hadn't got food
poisoning so settled for that.
I never saw or heard of him after he left
but I'll
bet he got his restaurant and I only hope that I never stray
in there for a meal. Knowing what blokes are I'd bet my shirt
that somebody told him what I did and God alone knows what
I'd get served up if I ordered chicken supreme.
This entry was written/published in late 1978.
This entry was written/published in late 1978.
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