Saturday 28 April 2018

3. Magnetic Hill

Isaac Newton found out about gravity when an apple fell on his head as he sat under a tree. As you all know, he thought about this and figured that as everything fell towards the ground instead of upwards, something must be pulling them down. Thus, eventually, the law of gravity.

Now I wonder what old I.N. would have worked out had he been sitting on Magnetic Hill in New Brunswick, Canada.

Image result for magnetic hill canada
Photo :

Because it's here that the law of gravity goes haywire and things happen that make you blink your eyes because you can't believe what you're seeing.

Something like seeing a bloke walk through a ghost wall instead of the usual.

Should you be in your car approaching the hill, you will find, on commencing the ascent, that the old jam-jar will start to pick up speed and you'll have to apply the brakes to slow it down. Or risk going out of control.

Likewise, should you be approaching from the opposite direction and start the descent from the top of the hill, you'll think the brakes are binding as the car will start to slow up and the only way to get to the bottom, is to put your foot on the accelerator.

All true, colleagues, I kid you not. It's a famous tourist attraction of Canada. Had Isaac Newton been sitting there he wouldn't have wondered why cars had to brake going up as they hadn't been invented then, but he might have decided to lay off the local wallop had he watched the water in the ditch which runs along side of the hill, flowing upwards. It does.

No kidding.


6 May 2018 : Here's a little update from Canada. Due to flooding in the region over the last 2 weeks, the river at Magnetic Hill is not currently flowing uphill. Thanks Lynn!

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